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  • Juncosa-Morros T, Aguilera P, Jaen A, Vicente-Villa MA, Aguilar AC and Fumadó V.

    Trichophyton violaceum: un patógeno emergente.

    ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA . 26(8): 502-504. Number of citations: 13


  • Revencu N, Boon LM, Mulliken JB, Enjolras O, Cordisco MR, Burrows PE, Clapuyt P, Hammer F, Dubois J, Baselga E, Brancati F, Carder R, Quintal JM, Dallapiccola B, Fischer G, Frieden IJ, Garzon M, Harper J, Johnson-Patel J, Labrèze C, Martorell-Sampol L, Paltiel HJ, Pohl A, Prendiville J, Quere I, Siegel DH, Valente EM, Van Hagen A, Van Hest L, Vaux KK, Vicente-Villa MA, Weibel L, Chitayat D and Vikkula M.

    Parkes Weber syndrome, vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation, and other fast-flow vascular anomalies are caused by RASA1 mutations

    HUMAN MUTATION . 29(7): 959-965. Number of citations: 293


  • Sánchez Fernández I, Julià Manresa M, González-Enseñat MA and Vicente-Villa MA.

    Picture of the month--quiz case. Bullous cutaneous larva migrans.

    ARCHIVES OF PEDIATRICS & ADOLESCENT MEDICINE . 162(5): 485-486. Number of citations: 3


  • Hortala M, Vicente-Villa MA, Abellaneda C, Suñol M, Fernandez L and González-Enseñat MA.

    Erythroderma in a 1-month-old boy

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS . 166(9): 979-980. Number of citations: 2


  • Vilar Coromina N, Vicente-Villa MA, Puigarnau Vallhonrat R, Vela Martínez A and González-Enseñat MA.

    Hoyuelos cutáneos: una complicación de la amniocentesis.

    ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 66(4): 407-409.


  • Perez-Porcuna TM, Noguera-Julián A, Riera-Bosch MT, Macià-Rieradevall E, Santos-Santiago J, Rifà Pujol MÀ, Eril M, Aulet-Molist L, Padilla-Esteba E, Tórtola MT, Gómez I Prat J, Vilamala Bastarras A, Rebull-Fatsini JS, Papaleo A, Rius-Gordillo N, Gonçalves AQ, Naranjo-Orihuela À, Urgelles M, García-Lerín MG, Jimenez-Lladser G, Lorenzo-Pino B, Giuliano-Cuello MA, Pascual-Sánchez MT, Marco-García M, Abellana R, Espiau M, Altet-Gómez MN, Orcau-Palau A, Caylà JA and Soriano-Arandes A.

    Tuberculosis among children visiting friends & relatives.



  • Claudia Solito, Hernández-García M, Arguedas Casamayor N, Pavón Ortiz A, Pino-Ramirez RM, Alsina L and Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M.

    COVID-19 admissions: Trying to define the real impact of infection in hospitalized patients.

    anales de pediatria . : .


  • Turkova A, Chan MK, Kityo C, Kekitiinwa AR, Musoke P, Violari A, Variava E, Archary M, Cressey TR, Chalermpantmetagul S, Sawasdichai K, Ounchanum P, Kanjanavanit S, Srirojana S, Srirompotong U, Welch S, Bamford A, Epalza C, Fortuny-Guasch C, Colbers A, Nastouli E, Walker S, Carr D, Conway M, Spyer MJ, Parkar N, White I, Nardone A, Thomason MJ, Ferrand RA, Giaquinto C and Ford D.

    D3/Penta 21 clinical trial design: A randomised non-inferiority trial with nested drug licensing substudy to assess dolutegravir and lamivudine fixed dose formulations for the maintenance of virological suppression in children with HIV-1 infection, aged 2 to 15?years.

    Contemporary Clinical Trials . : 107540-107540.
