Immune and Respiratory Dysfunction in Critically Ill Children
Research Program
Where we are
SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital
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Our group concentrates its research on paediatric intensive care with special emphasis on clinical investigation into the immune response, the inflammatory response and respiratory impairment.
Research lines
- Systemic inflammatory response and diagnostic technology in the critically ill paediatric patient (Principal investigator: Iolanda Jordan).
- Acute respiratory failure in the critically ill paediatric patient (Principal investigator: Martí Pons Òdena).
Scientific objectives
- To define algorithms and clinical guidelines on the management of the systemic inflammatory response in patients with sepsis, infections caused by resistant pathogenic microorganisms or in complex chronic patients.
- To improve biomarker-guided antibiotic de-escalation in critically ill patients.
- To implement new devices for the prevention of nosocomial infections.
- To evaluate the effectiveness of devices (interfaces/respirators) in treating children with acute respiratory infections (ARI) in the general paediatric population and in patients with acute bronchiolitis.
- To generate knowledge about the effectiveness of high-flow oxygen therapy and non-invasive ventilation (NIV) in the critically ill patient with ARI and to facilitate prompt detection in the case of failure of this technique.
- To advance our knowledge on the optimisation of the mechanical ventilation weaning process in both acute and chronic patients.
Area/Field of expertise
Within our line of inquiry on the systemic inflammatory response, we have spearheaded three nationwide multicentre studies, one of which serves as a reference for nosocomial infections (ENVIN-PED registry) with the inclusion of over 1,800 patients per year. Regarding our research on biomarkers and sepsis, we have published various articles which corroborate the paradigm shift in the diagnosis and follow-up of antibiotic therapy in the critical paediatric patient. We were awarded three Health Research Fund (FIS) grants for this line of research, which has also led to the completion of five PhD theses and two more that are currently underway.
We are a group of clinicians and nursing staff offering a complementary approach to the issues raised by research in the field.
Our research into respiratory failure is conducted within the framework of research on the clinical and therapeutic aspects of respiratory care of the critically ill patient. Our main research goal is to investigate how new technologies could impact the management of respiratory failure in both the acute and chronic patient.
Our cohort studies on the effectiveness of NIV (including over 1,500 patients) is worth mentioning as this has helped consolidate our position as an international reference centre for this treatment in ICU patients, and also on a national scale, in the treating of patients on home ventilation.
Group members
Jefe de Grupo
Ayudante de investigación
Ayudante de investigación
Ayudante de investigación
Ayudante de investigación
Ayudante de investigación
Ayudante de investigación
Investigador colaborador
Ayudante de investigación
Ayudante de investigación
Ayudante de investigación
Ayudante de investigación
Aitor López González
Enrique Del Campo Garcia-Ramos
Roi Campos Rodriguez
Ignacio del Castillo Velilla
Javier Trastoy Quintela

Last Publications
- González-Anleo C, Girona M, Casaldàliga A, Bobillo-Perez S, Fresán-Ruiz E, Solé-Ribalta A, Velasco E, Manuel Monsonis Cabedo, Urrea M and Jordán-García I Risk factors for multidrug-resistant bacteria in critically ill children and MDR score development. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS . 183(12): 5255-5265.
- Armero-Campos G, Guitart-Pardellans C, Soler-García a, Melé M, Esteva-Afonso C, Brotons-de los Reyes P, Munoz-Almagro C, Jordán-García I and Launes-Montana C Non-Pharmacological Interventions During SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Effects on Pediatric Viral Respiratory Infections. ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGIA . 60(10): 612-618.
- Savulescu C, Prats-Uribe A, Brolin K, Uusküla A, Bergin C, Fleming C, Murri R, Zvirbulis V, Zavadska D, Gaio V, Popescu CP, Hrisca R, Cisneros M, Latorre-Millán M, Lohur L, McGrath J, Ferguson L, De Gaetano Donati K, Abolina I, Gravele D, Machado A, Florescu SA, Lazar M, Subirats P, Clusa Cuesta L, Sui J, Kenny C, Santangelo R, Krievins D, Barzdina EA, Valadas Henriques C, Kosa AG, Pohrib SM, Munoz-Almagro C, Milagro A, Bacci S and Nardone A Effectiveness of the autumn 2023 COVID-19 vaccine dose in hospital-based healthcare workers: results of the VEBIS healthcare worker vaccine effectiveness cohort study, seven European countries, season 2023/24. EUROSURVEILLANCE . 29(44): .
- Project name:
- Desarrollo, validación y prueba piloto de modelos basados en aprendizaje automático para predicción y detección temprana de sepsis en Urgencias e intensivos pediátricos. Proyecto PESERS 2.0
- Leader
- Iolanda Jordán García
- Funding entities:
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
- Code
- PI23/00055
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2024 - 2026
- Project name:
- Use of electrical impedance tomography in the ventilation of patients with severe acute bronchiolitis
- Leader
- Martí Pons Òdena
- Funding entities:
- European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care
- Code
- PCP00360
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2022 - 2024
- Project name:
- ARDS in CHILDREN and ECMO initiation strategies impact on NEURO-DEVELOPMENT - ASCEND
- Leader
- Susana Segura Matute
- Funding entities:
- National Institute of Health (EEUU)
- Code
- SUBK00015894
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2020 - 2025
Impacte dels factors epidemiològics i ambientals en les infeccions víriques respiratòries dels pacients pediàtrics
- Author
- Armero Campos, Georgina
- Institution
Estudio del papel de la microbiota nasofaríngea en la gravedad de la infección por Rino/Enterovirus humano en niños menores de 5 años
- Author
- Penela Sánchez, Daniel
- Institution
Millora en el diagnòstic i maneig de la pneumonia en el pacient pediàtric crític, mitjançant l’ús de l’ecografia pulmonar i la procalcitonina
- Author
- Guitart Pardellans, Carmina
- Institution
Relationship of environmental exposure to nitrogen oxide with the severity of rhinovirus infection
Researchers at Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu (IRSJD) · SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital have found that exposure to higher concentrations of atmospheric nitrogen oxide in childhood is associated with greater severity of rhinovirus infection and a higher number of admissions to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit.
Researchers discover a key factor that predicts COVID-19 disease severity
A study led by Drs. Laia Alsina and Iolanda Jordan from the IRSJD evidences a key factor that predicts the severity of COVID-19: an alteration of the first immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection, in key molecules in the anti-infective response. The study has been published in open access in the journal iScience.
Measuring antibodies in saliva is a useful and easy strategy to detect SARS-CoV-2 infections
A study, published in BMC Medicine, performed through the Kids Corona platform from Sant Joan de Déu in collaboration with ISGlobal, shows that measuring antibodies in saliva is a useful and easy strategy to detect SARS-CoV-2 infections.