Metabolic diseases of pediatric origin
Research Program
Where we are
SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital
Related websites
We are a multidisciplinary group of physicians, nutritionists, biologists and biochemists. This allows us to carry out both basic and patient-centred translational research. Our main focus of interest are the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of metabolic diseases of paediatric origin.
Over the last five years, and in close collaboration with the Endocrinology Unit of the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, we have created a solid structure of clinical research with the aim of facilitating the conduct of translational projects. We also avail of these clinical research projects as the basis for the training of the Unit's clinical staff and ultimately in the completion of their doctoral theses.
We have been recognised by the Government of Catalonia as a consolidated research group (SGR 845) since 2017.
Research lines
- Role of the composition of breast milk in the risk of childhood obesity (Principal investigator: Carles Lerín).
- Clinical research in childhood obesity (Principal investigator: Carles Lerín).
- Animal childhood obesity models (Principal investigator: Josep Jiménez).
- New treatments for type 1 diabetes (Principal investigator: Josep Jiménez)
Scientific objectives
- To study the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of childhood obesity and diabetes.
- To identify new early biomarkers of risk of obesity and associated metabolic diseases.
- To design new strategies for the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity.
Area/Field of expertise
Our research focuses on gaining a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms linking nutrition and growth during the very early stages of life with the subsequent development of childhood obesity and metabolic diseases in adulthood. This paradigm is known as the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD). To accomplish this, we have a highly multidisciplinary group of physicians, nutritionists, biologists, biochemists and laboratory technicians. Together we carry out eminently translational research characterised by:
- The development and characterisation of experimental (mouse) models that closely recapitulate human pathophysiology.
- The conduct of clinical trials to develop new preventive and treatment strategies.
This research is bidirectional in that it enables the transfer of questions arising in clinical practice to experimental models and, vice versa, the transfer of the knowledge acquired in the laboratory to clinical studies.
For the past five years, we have been working on "omic" techniques to gain a further understanding of these processes and to identify early biomarkers. More specifically, we are conducting (i) targeted and non-targeted metabolomics in breast milk of women with and without obesity, and (ii) analyses of the metabolome, epigenome and, more recently, metagenome in a clinical cohort of prepubertal children with obesity.
We are currently evaluating the physiological role of these biomarkers through in vitro and in vivo animal cell models. Our aim is to better understand their possible involvement in the pathophysiology associated with metabolic diseases and then propose new nutritional-therapeutic interventions for the treatment of childhood obesity and associated metabolic disorders.
Group members
Jefe de Grupo Senior
Jefe de Grupo Senior
Investigador colaborador
Investigador post-doc
Investigador pre-doc
Ayudante de investigación
Ayudante de investigación
Ayudante de investigación

Last Publications
- Zeng XF, Varady KA, Wang XD, Targher G, Byrne CD, Tayyem R, Latella G, Bergheim I, Valenzuela R, George J, Newberry C, Zheng JS, George ES, Spearman CW, Kontogianni MD, Ristic-Medic D, Peres WAF, Depboylu GY, Yang W, Chen X, Rosqvist F, Mantzoros CS, Valenti L, Yki-Järvinen H, Mosca A, Sookoian S, Misra A, Yilmaz Y, Kim W, Fouad Y, Sebastiani G, Wong VW, Åberg F, Wong YJ, Zhang P, Bermúdez-Silva FJ, Ni Y, Lupsor-Platon M, Chan WK, Méndez-Sánchez N, de Knegt RJ, Alam S, Treeprasertsuk S, Wang L, Du M, Zhang T, Yu ML, Zhang H, Qi X, Liu X, Pinyopornpanish K, Fan YC, Niu K, Jimenez-Chillaron JC and Zheng MH The role of dietary modification in the prevention and management of metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease: An international multidisciplinary expert consensus METABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL . 161: 156028-156028.
- Rodriguez-Sanabria JS, Rosas-Campos R, Vázquez-Esqueda Á, Palacios-Marin I, Jiménez-Chillaron J, Escutia-Gutiérrez R, Jave-Suarez LF, Galicia-Moreno M, Monroy-Ramirez HC, Cerda-Reyes E, Almeida-López M, Martinez-Lopez E, Herrera LA, Armendáriz-Borunda J and Sandoval-Rodriguez A H3K9me3 demethylation by JMJD2B is regulated by pirfenidone resulting in improved NASH. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 14(1): 24714-24714.
- Palmieri F, Akhtar NF, Pané A, Jiménez A, Olbeyra RP, Viaplana J, Vidal J, de Hollanda A, Gama-Perez P, Jimenez-Chillaron JC and Garcia-Roves PM Machine learning allows robust classification of visceral fat in women with obesity using common laboratory metrics. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 14(1): 17263-17263.
- Project name:
- Effects of the postbiotioc blend ABB C3 on adiposity and glucose metabolismm in children and adolescents
- Leader
- Carles Lerin Martinez
- Funding entities:
- AB Mauri Food S.A., AB Mauri (UK) Ltd
- Code
- PCP00413
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2024 - 2025
- Project name:
- Role of microbial metabolites in regulating hypothalamic pathways involved in feeding behavior
- Leader
- Carles Lerin Martinez
- Funding entities:
- Foundation for Prader-Willi Research
- Code
- PFE00116
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2023 - 2025
- Project name:
- Efecto de una pauta de alimentación de bajo contenido en hidratos de carbono en adolescentes con diabetes tipo 1
- Leader
- Serafin Murillo Garcia
- Funding entities:
- Fundació Privada per a la Recerca i la Docència Sant Joan de Déu - FSJD, Sociedad Española de Diabetes
- Code
- PCP00346
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2023 - 2025
Análisis de la autogestión del cuidado de la Diabetes Tipo 1 en población infantil y adolescente
- Author
- Yoldi Vergara, Carmen
- Institution
Child behavior, feeding practices and health in the context of obesity
- Author
- Juton, Charlotte Martine
- Institution
Papel de la microbiota intestinal en el tratamiento del síndrome de Prader-Willi
- Author
- Amat Bou, Montserrat
- Institution
Research into treatments to combat obesity and excessive sleepiness in children with Prader-Willi syndrome
Researchers from Sant Joan de Déu have promoted various research projects in recent years to advance the understanding of Prader-Willi syndrome and study new treatments for children affected by this rare disease.
IRSJD researchers have discovered an intergenerational inheritance mechanism in mouse models of childhood obesity
A study led by Dr. Josep Jiménez-Chillaron, a researcher at the Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu and the University of Barcelona, suggests that hepatic steatosis could be intergenerationally inherited through paternal germ line microRNAs. Hepatic steatosis is a condition that is associated with childhood obesity. The results of this study have been published in the scientific journal Nutrients.
Human milk from women infected and vaccinated for coronavirus has antibodies against COVID-19
Human milk from infected women and vaccinated for coronavirus has antibodies against COVID-19, according to two published studies in the medRxiv repository and launched by the scientific consortium MilkCorona,
More activities
Defensa tesi doctoral: Maria Carmen Yoldi Vergara
Auditori Plaza · Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and online
Defensa tesi doctoral: Charlotte Juton
Auditori Plaza (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona) and online