Andrea Palacio Navarro
Ayudante de investigación
Research group
Professional network profiles
Last Publications
- Cobo-Cobo T, Burgos-Artizzu XP, Ferrero-Martinez SI, Balcells J, Bosch J, Gene-Giralt A, Murillo C, Rueda C, Boada D, Sánchez-Antón MT, Kacerovsky M, Jacobsson B and Palacio-Navarro A External validation of a non-invasive vaginal tool to assess the risk of intra-amniotic inflammation in pregnant women with preterm labor and intact membranes JOURNAL OF PERINATAL MEDICINE . : .
- Candela-Cantó SA, Hinojosa J, Muchart-Lopez J, Jou-Munoz C, Palau, L, Carlos Valera Dávila, Flores, C, Palacio-Navarro A, Climent MA, Pascual, A, González, A, Culebras, D, Alamar AM, Becerra, V, Aparicio J and Rumiá, J Temporo-Parieto-Occipital Disconnection by Robot-Assisted Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy for Refractory Epilepsy in a Pediatric Patient: Proof-of-Principle Case Report and Surgical Nuances WORLD NEUROSURGERY . 187: 124-132.
- Zhang D, Bo K, Montejo R, Sánchez-Polán M, Silva-José C, Palacio-Navarro A and Barakat R Influence of pelvic floor muscle training alone or as part of a general physical activity program during pregnancy on urinary incontinence, episiotomy and third- or fourth-degree perineal tear: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials ACTA OBSTETRICIA ET GYNECOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA . 103(6): 1015-1027.
- Project name:
- Neuropsychological rehabilitation after moderate and severe childhood TBI, a randomized study with parent-supported intervention, children with robotic intervention and control group. Rehabilitació neuropsicològica en nens amb TCE moderat o greu. Estudi randomitzat: intervenció dirigida a pares, a nens mitjançant robòtica i grup control
- Leader
- Mª Pilar Poo Arguelles
- Funding entities:
- Fundació La Marató de TV3
- Code
- 111330
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2012 - 2015