Carles Luaces Cubells
Jefe de Grupo
Research group
The researcher Carles Luaces Cubells graduated in Medicine in 1992 from the Central University of Barcelona and received his Doctor of Medicine and Surgery degree from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 1992.
Since 1994 he has been an associate professor at the University of Barcelona and coordinator of the Master's Degree in Pediatric Emergency at the University of Barcelona.
In 2010 he joined the Head of the Emergency Service of the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital.
From 2003 to the present he leads the research group "Influence of the environment on the well-being of children and adolescents", of the Research Institute Sant Joan de Déu.
Professional network profiles
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Last Publications
- Diego, P, Seguí, A, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V, Luaces-Cubells C and Hernández-Bou S Management of Febrile Infants Under 3 Months of Age with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the Emergency Department Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases . : .
- Alonso I, Morán Moya S, Claret-Teruel G, Roser Garrido Romero, Muñoz-Santanach D, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V and Luaces-Cubells C Implementation of the mini-CEX in a paediatric emergency department. anales de pediatria . 101(6): 388-392.
- Sevilla P, Álvaro C, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V, Luaces-Cubells C and Curcoy-Barcenilla AI Consultes neonatals en un servei d’urgències: diferències segons la quinzena de vida Pediatría Catalana . 84(4): 172-176.
- Project name:
- Desarrollo de un modelo predictivo con inteligencia artificial para la detección temprana de insuficiencia respiratoria en pacientes pediátricos. Estudio e.Breathe.
- Leader
- Mónica Balaguer Gargallo
- Funding entities:
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
- Code
- PI24/00305
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2025 - 2027
- Project name:
- Desarrollo, validación y prueba piloto de modelos basados en aprendizaje automático para predicción y detección temprana de sepsis en Urgencias e intensivos pediátricos. Proyecto PESERS 2.0
- Leader
- Iolanda Jordán García
- Funding entities:
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
- Code
- PI23/00055
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2024 - 2026
- Project name:
- Valores de referencia Sistema de Evaluación de la conmoción cerebral en edades pediatricas CAT
- Leader
- Francisco Drobnic Martínez
- Funding entities:
- Consell Català de l'Esport
- Code
- PFP00093
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2015 - 2016
Sant Joan de Déu begins four lines of research for the study of COVID-19
Researchers from the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute and the Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona Children's Hospital are starting four projects to study COVID19 from a microbiological and clinical perspective with regard to inflammatory and maternal-foetal response. To do so, they need to recruit 500 families with children in which at least one adult has tested positive.