Andrea Aldemira Liz
Investigador post-doc
Research group
The researcher Andrea Aldemira graduated in Medicine in 2007 from the University of Santiago de Compostela, with MIR training in Pediatrics and its specific areas at the HU Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla) from 2008-2012.
She holds a PhD in Medicine from the University of Seville in 2014.
She currently works as Assistant to the Pediatrics ward of the Department of Pediatrics of the SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital since 2012. She is part of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, Catalan Pediatric Society and the Spanish Society Hospital Pediatrics.
Last Publications
- Batlle, A, Aldemira-Liz A, Agúndez, B, Cabrera, I, Esquerdo, E, López, S, Achotegui, A, Villalón, C and Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M Home hospitalization of the acute patient: a new approach to care ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 99(5): 329-334.
- Ricart S, Aldemira-Liz A and Lasheras E Programa PRINCEP: atenció especialitzada en pacients pediàtrics amb malalties cròniques complexes. Annals de Medicina (Barc) . : 59-62.