Laura Maritza Astiasuainzarra Villa

Laura Maritza Astiasuainzarra Villa

Ayudante de investigación

The researcher Laura Maritza Astiasuainzarra Villa graduated in Psychology in 2013 from the Universitat de Barcelona and completed the Master's in General Health Psychology at the University of Barcelona in 2015, as well as the Master's in Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2018.

In 2023, she joined as a research assistant in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Area at the SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital · IRSJD within the project "Precursors of Binge Eating Disorder in Adolescents with Obesity: Early MRI Markers of Reward and Inhibition Brain Circuit Dysfunction (PREC-BED Study)."

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Project name:
Trastorno por atracón en adolescentes con obesidad: caracterización clínica, neuropsicológica y de neuroimagen de formas precursoras y predictores de evolución. Estudio piloto PREC-TA.
Esther Via Virgili
Funding entities:
Torrons Vicens SL
Starting - finishing date:
2023 - 2024
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