
Mutation in DOCK11 gene explains rare disorder in immune system regulation
Researchers from the Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu - SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital participate in an international study, published in the prestigious scientific journal New England Journal of Medicine, which describes for the first time a new disease of the immune system caused by a mutation of the DOCK11 gene.
New Evidence on the Association Between Endometriosis and Traumatic and Stressful Experiences

An international study involving Marina Mitjans, a researcher at the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute (IRSJD), the Institute of Biomedicine of the UB (IBUB), and the Biomedical Research Networking Center in Mental Health (CIBERSAM), has found new evidence linking traumatic experiences and stressful events to endometriosis.
Adolescent mental health at the center of the Science4Pandemics closing event

The Patient Participation in Research Area of the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute organized a hybrid event on January 15 with the aim of raising awareness about mental disorders in adolescents and promoting tools to care for mental health during this critical stage.
An innovative genetic analysis by Sant Joan de Déu and CNAG successfully diagnoses 23 children with neuromuscular diseases

The research, published in the scientific journal European Journal of Human Genetics, has been enabled by SolveRD, a project funded by the European Commission, in which Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and the Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG) participate
i4KIDS | Accelerating Paediatric and Maternity Health: Insights from i4KIDS and i4KIDS-EUROPE
In the framework of the Barcelona Health Innovation Week organised by Biocat, we are thrilled to present this informative session.
TECSAM | Recerca co-creativa en salut mental i dona: El projecte co-Elna
Laia Nebot: Tècnica de recerca i projectes sociocomunitaris a Salut Mental Catalunya (SMC), Victoria Espinosa: Psicóloga General Sanitaria del Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu i Alicia Mendo: Membre del Comitè d'Ètica en Salut Mental de Sant Joan de Déu.
Manel González-Piñero
Headof Innovation at CREB UPC and XarTEC SALUT

"Our main objectives are to develop a technologies map of the members of XarTEC SALUT and to find the most effective ways to support them."
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