

Actividades destacadas

Patient Involvement in research projects

The Fundació de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu · Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu is organizing its 1rst conference on patient involvement in research projects.

Auditori Plaza · SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital

11-13:30 h

i4KIDS | Pediatric Innovation Day 2024

A gathering of people passionate about pediatric healthcare. Meet experts, clinicians, startup founders and innovators from all over Europe. We're here to exchange ideas and drive forward pediatric innovations.

Riga (Latvia) & online


Encontrados un total de 472 resultado.

  1. XARTECSALUT | Formative pill: Entrepreneurship Worthwhile

    In this special session entitled "Why is entrepreneurship worthwhile? Keys to start of business in Health Technologies", inspiring profiles of woman researchers who are on the way or have successfully made the leap from the laboratory to the business world will discuss their respective experience.

    Av. Diagonal, 647, Barcelona


  2. i4Kids | Training Capsule: Implementation and adoption of innovation in children's hospital

    In this capsule, we will take a comprehensive look at the process of implementing innovation and integrate innovation into a children's hospital, drawing from the best practices of three major pediatrics hospitals across Europe.



  3. Avances en el tratamiento del Síndrome del Ovario Poliquístico (SOP): Un viaje hacia el bienestar

    Aprende sobre el SOP de la mano de expertos, como la Dra. Lourdes Ibáñez (IRSJD) y pacientes y recupera el control de tu salud.



  4. TECSAM | Breakfast & Learn: Buenas prácticas y errores más comunes en la redacción de convocatorias de salud

    A cargo de Paula Certuche, BioInnova, consultora especializada en el sector salud.


    09:00 h

  5. XARTECSALUT | HealthTech2030

    Do not miss the opportunity to connect with reconized researchers and actors from the field of Health and Technology with the aim of embracing together the future challenges of the HealthTech sector.

    Nau Bostik, Barcelona


  6. #NeuroConCiencia| Glial-specific regulation of endocytosis controls neuronal function and survival

    Seminario a cargo de la Dra. Tania López-Hernández, Universitat de Barcelona



  7. #ViernesCientíficos | Eficacia de una intervención digital compleja en la ganancia ponderal gestacional y la actividad física en gestantes con obesidad

    Seminario a cargo de Elena González Plaza. Doctora en Enfermería y Salud. Matrona del Hospital Clínic de Barcelona - BCNatal.



  8. i4Kids | Pediatric Innovation Day 2023

    Tercerca jornada de innovación pediátrica y materna organizada por el Hub de Innovación Pediátrica · i4Kids.

    Varsovia, Polonia · Online

    8h - 18h

  9. #NeuroConCiencia| Controlling neuronal activity with light: from individual cells to brain waves

    Seminario a cargo del Dr. Pau Gorostiza, ICREA research professor at the Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC)

