ERA calls for proposals published: European Hub for vaccine development, development of novel antivirals, next-generation respiratory protection and innovative manufacturing technologies and processes for medicines production.

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European Commission
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See below, the last call for proposals (novel antivirals) mentions priority viral families for HERA, which includes those causing haemorrhagic fevers such as flaviviruses (Dengue, West Nile, Zika) and filoviruses (Ebola, Marburg).

Call for proposals on the European Hub for vaccine development with a budget of 102 million EUR

This action aims to create a European Hub for public health relevant vaccine development, combining excellence in vaccine development with clinical trials and activities for scaling manufacturing. The Hub will develop a strategic vaccines plan for Europe, and subsequently deliver on creating vaccine prototypes in particular for priority pathogens with epidemic and pandemic potential, further developing of state-of-the-art technologies that can be rapidly adapted, preparing relevant master clinical trial protocols, combining its activities to reach out to clinical trial capacities/networks and at scale production initiatives at national and European levels. The applicants targeted with this call are consortia comprised of vaccine developers involving both publicly funded and industrial entities.

Call for proposals for next-generation respiratory protection with a budget of 20 million EUR

The objective of this action is to foster innovation and support development of next-generation respiratory PPE which will result in increased availability of enhanced medical countermeasures for pandemic preparedness and response. Applicants need to propose a detailed plan to design, prototype, validate, and CE-mark innovative, cost-effective, and sustainable next-generation respirators. Additionally, developers need to demonstrate feasibility for a rapid production scale-up once a public health emergency materialises, possibly relying on distributed manufacturing solutions and use of accessible raw materials. The applicants targeted with this call are legal entities active in the field of innovation and with adequate expertise in PPE. Hospitals, other employers of critical workers or stockpiling entities might be part of a consortium to ensure validation, testing and uptake of developed products. 

Call for proposals to support innovative manufacturing technologies and processes in the Union for medicines production with a budget of 17 million EUR

This action aims at supporting improved manufacturing technologies and processes that allow for a more effective, less expensive, easier to scale-up, more sustainable and cleaner production of medicines in the Union. Innovations developed under this action should be designed to enable rapid scale-up of Union pharmaceutical production in the context of a health emergency or to prevent critical shortages of critical medicines. The applicants targeted with this call are a) industrial economic operators, technology developers and applied research stakeholders capable of developing the mentioned manufacturing technologies and processes; b) established legal entities with a clear track record of industrial innovation development; and c) applicants with technical expertise in the area of manufacturing technologies and/or processes relevant to the call.

Call for proposals to support the development of novel antivirals with a budget of 10 million EUR

This action aims to diversify and advance the pipeline of BSA candidates. More specifically, it will support the development and further characterisation of broad-spectrum antivirals targeting identified HERA priority viral families, which largely can be divided among respiratory RNA viral families, such as Paramyxo-, Orthomyxo and Coronaviridae, as well as those targeting viral families known for causing viral haemorrhagic fever (VHF), such as Arena-, Bunya-, Flavi-, Filoviridae. The action aims to identify a potent BSA candidate, in order to advance its clinical development. The applicants targeted with this call are private, academic and public bodies active and in the field of innovation and with proven expertise in development of antivirals.


Described in section 5 of the call document.


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