Horizon Europe. Actions “Widening participation and spreading excellence”. Call ERA Talents

Announcement "open"
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European Commission
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Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence actions under Horizon Europe, contribute to building research and innovation capacity for countries lagging behind. They will strengthen their potential for successful participation in transnational research and innovation processes, promote networking and access to excellence. The call ERA Talents aims to boost the interoperability of careers and employability of research and innovation talents across sectors, with a centre of gravity in widening countries. The call is focused on cross-sectoral talent circulation and academia-business collaboration for knowledge transfer.


Actions are invited to develop activities in view of realising one or more of the following objectives regarding intersectoral mobility:

  • Strengthening academia/non-academia cooperation, and reinforcing innovation ecosystems, focusing on establishment of public-private links, private sector involvement booster, activities for the transfer of researcher know-how to businesses or public and social sectors, as well as activities that foster closer involvement of business sector staff in training of academic staff.
  • Improving training and lifelong learning for researchers, innovators, and other research and innovation talents, characterised by opportunities for upskilling and interdisciplinary skill development.
  • Boosting researcher entrepreneurship, focused on the development of entrepreneurial skills (e.g., business economics, business creation, knowledge valorisation, intellectual property rights and other relevant legal framework) for researchers and commercialisation or other valorisation training and support for researchers, through preparatory activities for entrepreneurship and support for researcher start-up creation.

Support is provided for inter-sectoral mobility of R&I staff leading to knowledge valorisation and increased employability between participating organisations. Secondments must last between 3 and 24 months for the same staff member and may be split into several stays.

Applications must be submitted by a consortium including at least three independent legal entities established in three different EU Member States or Associated Countries, at least two of which each established in a different Widening Country. Participation as coordinators to the call is limited to legal entities established in Widening Countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia). Participating organisations must come from both academic and non-academic sectors, and may include umbrella organisations or national/regional associations thereof. The partners contribute directly to the implementation of the joint training and mobility methodology by seconding and/or hosting eligible staff members.

Project duration: Up to 4 years.


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