Mission Cancer: Work Programme 2023-2025 update published

Announcement "open"
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European Commission
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:

On April 17, the update of the Missions Work Program 2023-2025 was published, which includes, among others, the update of the Mission Cancer.

What's new in the documents:

Mission Cancer:

  • HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-01: Use cases for the UNCAN.eu research data platform.
  • HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-02: Support dialogue towards the development of national cancer data nodes. 
  • HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-03: Accessible and affordable tests to advance early detection of heritable cancers in European regions.
  • HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-04: Support a pragmatic clinical trial programme by cancer charities. 
  • HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-05: Improving the understanding and management of late-effects in adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer.
  • HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-06: An information portal for the European Cancer Patient Digital Centre. 

All of the calls open on 18th of April and close on 18th of September. 


Each specific call conditions are described in General Annex B.


In case of interest, please click on "m'interessa" and we will contact you.