Total 251 results found.
PhD Thesis Defence: Elisenda Cortès i Saladelafont
NeuroConCiencia: neuroscience's seminar
New NeuroConCiencia’s seminar: neuroscience seminars from the clinic to research · This Tuesday!
IRJSD Seminar: “Imprinting in humans: the role of imprinting in the placenta and in cancer.”
Jornada teórico-práctica sobre la Detección Precoz de la Hipoacusia
European Congress of Research Ethics Committees
All information available on the Congress website: European Congress of Research Ethics Committees
7a Jornada del Ciclo de Encuentros en los Laboratorios del CREB
3rd MetNet International Annual Meeting 2017 - Cellular organelle dysfunction at the origin of metabolic diseases
“Neuroblastoma whole genome methylation analysis.”