Allen Foundation Grants

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Entitat convocant:
Allen Foundation Grants
Termini intern:
Termini real:

The Allen Foundation, Inc. is a US-based charitable organisation established in 1975. Its mission is to support projects that primarily benefit programmes for human nutrition in the areas of health, education, training, and research.

Funding is available for:

  • Relevant nutritional research.
  • Programmes for the education and training of mothers during pregnancy and after the birth of their children, so that good nutritional habits can be formed at an early age.
  • Assisting in the training of persons to work as educators and demonstrators of good nutritional practices.
  • The dissemination of information regarding healthful nutritional practices and habits.

In limited situations, grants may be available to help solve immediate emergency hunger and malnutrition problems.

The connections between diet and health are the primary priority of the foundation, and consideration has always been given to projects that benefit nutritional programmes in the areas of education, training, and research. Furthermore, the foundation welcomes proposals that develop and advance:

  • The inclusion of mandatory courses in nutrition in medical schools.
  • Bringing the promise of nutrigenomics or nutritional genomics to realisation.
  • The promotion of environmentally sound, economically viable, socially responsive, and sustainable food and agricultural systems.

The size of the grant is determined on a case-by-case basis. Recent grants have ranged from $2,000 to over $100,000.

The foundation imposes a cap of 20% for overhead costs collected (on top of direct costs of completing the project) by colleges and universities.


Eligible applicants are non-profit organisations worldwide. In certain circumstances, the foundation will consider requests from the following: hospitals or medical clinics; social, religious, fraternal, or community organisations; private foundations; and K-12 public, parochial or private schools.

Academic research must be conducted under the leadership of a principal investigator (PI) who is a full-time regular faculty member with tenure or on tenure track. Research projects that are pre-clinical or translational in nature are eligible for consideration for possible funding.


In case of interest, please click on "m'interessa" and we will contact you.