AMIF-2020-AG-CALL-06: Migrant children's transition to adulthood

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
European Commission
Termini intern:
Termini real:


The objective of the call is to stimulate and support the exchange of good practices and knowledge-sharing amongst various relevant actors - in particular public administrations and institutions, international organisation, private organisations and citizens (non- exhaustive list) - providing support to unaccompanied migrant children during their transition to adulthood.

This topic is not aimed at capacity-building for institutionalised care systems, or research on transition to adulthood and forms of supporting it.


Proposals should include actions aimed at increasing the exchange amongst relevant actors of good practices, and enhancing knowledge across the EU on supporting the transition of unaccompanied migrant children to adulthood, in particular:

  • Conferences, workshops, seminars, thematic meetings, study visits,
  • Exchange programs,
  • Developing training modules that can be further shared for other similar actions in the future, including outside the scope of the financed program,
  • Providing training developed under the program or in other contexts to the chosen beneficiaries of the program - public and/or private actors who provide support to unaccompanied minors to ease their transition towards adulthood.

The list above is not exhaustive or cumulative, and proposals may include other actions beyond those listed above. Proposal should clearly lay down how the actions will serve to increase the exchange of good practices and to enhance the knowledge across the EU on supporting the transition of unaccompanied migrant children to adulthood.

Good practices, trainings28/and any other relevant activities for supporting the transition of unaccompanied migrant children to adulthood referred under this topic should relate to one or several areas where transition to adulthood requires support, such as for example psychological impact, specific guarantees in the asylum procedure, family reunification, access to information, access to education and/or vocational training, access to accommodation and health care.

Proposals should ensure that the public actors who are relevant for the proposed actions are consulted on the design and implementation of the proposed actions, as to ensure that they will derive the maximum benefit of the actions therein proposed. These actors are in particular child protection agencies, ministries/authorities for children or social affairs; social protection; children's ombudspersons; social services responsible for: housing, labour market integration, higher education and vocational training; health and mental health; counselling and psychosocial support; caregivers' associations, civil society organisations; academia, etc.


Proposals should focus on contributing to the achievement of the following outcomes:

  • Increased exchange of good practices and 'know-how' for supporting the transition of unaccompanied migrant children to adulthood;
  • Reinforced offer of trainings, exchange programs, study visits and other relevant activities on supporting the transition of unaccompanied migrant children to adulthood to the benefit of the relevant public and private actors.

Eligibility of the applicants and co-applicants

All the applicants and co-applicants must fulfil the following eligibility requirements for applications to be eligible. To prove these eligibility requirements, applicants and co- applicants will have to provide the relevant information and upload necessary documents showing their legal status in the Participant Register.

Legal Status

The following entities can apply as lead applicants:

  • Public bodies for all topics of this call for proposals,
  • Non-profit-making private entities for all topics of this call for proposals,
  • Profit making entities for topic AMIF-2020-AG-CALL-04 and 06,
  • International organisations for topic AMIF-2020-AG-CALL-04 and 06. The following entities can apply as co-applicants:
  • Public bodies for all topics of this call for proposals,
  • Non-profit-making private entities for all topics of this call for proposals,
  • Profit making entities for topics AMIF-2020-AG-CALL-01, 02, 04 and 06
  • International organisations for topics AMIF-2020-AG-CALL-04 and 06. The following are not eligible, neither as applicants nor as co-applicants:
  • Union Agencies,
  • Natural persons.

Affiliated entities, i.e. legal entities having a legal or capital link with applicants, shall take part in the action as individual co-applicants in order to declare eligible costs unless they are affiliated to a public body.

  1. Country of establishment

With the exception of international organisations, applicants and co-applicants must be established in the following countries to be eligible:

  • The Member States of the European Union with the exception of Denmark ("Member States participating in AMIF").

For further information please contact with.: sbayes(ELIMINAR)

  1. How to apply:

Proposals must be submitted by the deadline indicated in section 3 via the Electronic Submission System. Open calls are published on the calls for proposals page.

Before submitting a proposal both the applicant and co-applicants must be registered via the Participant Register and obtain the 9-digit Participant Identification Code (PIC) (one for each organisation).

In submitting a proposal, the applicant accepts the procedures and conditions as described in this call for proposals and in the documents to which it refers.

No modification of the application is allowed once the deadline for submission has elapsed. However, if there is a need, the evaluation committee on behalf of the authorising officer may correct obvious clerical errors in application documents upon confirmation of the intended correction by the applicant40.

Applicants will be informed in writing about the results of the evaluation process.

  1. Related documents

The following documents are available via the Electronic Submission System:

  • Application form (Submission Form Part A and Part B),
  • Required annex - Audit Report, if applicable41,
  • Model Grant Agreement,
  • Guide for Applicants.