Servier Research Grant in Hypertension

Convocatòria tancada
Entitat convocant:
Termini intern:
Termini real:

The Servier Research Grant in Hypertension in the amount of €30 000 is awarded every 2 years for a research proposal in the field of hypertension and related diseases with a focus on end-organ damage, surrogate markers, and biomarkers. The next grant will be awarded in 2019.

The committee of the Servier Research Grant in Hypertension is composed of internationally renowned experts in hypertension and related cardiovascular diseases. The winner will receive the grant from the President of the ESH during the award ceremony of the annual ESH Congress.

Applications should be sent by February 28th, 2019 to:
Prof. Giuseppe Mancia

Applicants must submit the following documentation:

- Curriculum vitae listing up to 10 representative publications in international peer-reviewed journals.

- A full supporting statement from the head of the department where the research will be undertaken.

- The proposal in English should be accompanied by a summary (one page) and a budget.

In case of interest, please contact with FSJD Research's Department before  21 February, 2018.