Buscador de publicaciones


  • Vorstenbosch E, Rodríguez-Liron A, Vicens E, Félez M and Escuder G.

    Suicide risk in male incarcerated individuals in Spain: clinical, criminological and prison-related correlates

    BMC Psychology . 11(1): 282-282.


  • Marcó-García S, Guilera-Ferrer G, Ferrer-Quintero M, Ochoa S, Escuder G, Martínez-Mondejar A, Montalbán-Roca V, del Cacho N, Rubio E, ANA ESCANILLA CASAL, Martínez-Zambrano F, Balsells S and Huerta-Ramos ME.

    The RECAPACITA project: Description of the clinical, neuropsychological and functional profile of a sample of people with severe mental disorder and legal capacity modification in Spain

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND PSYCHIATRY . 88: 101874-101874. Nº de citas: 2


  • Vorstenbosch E, Masoliver-Gallach R and Escuder G.

    Measuring professional stigma towards patients with a forensic mental health status: protocol for a Delphi consensus study on the design of a questionnaire

    BMJ Open . 12(9): 61160. Nº de citas: 4


  • Domínguez M, Moreno-Poyato AR, Puig Llobet M, Lluch-Canut T, Rodríguez Zunino N, Tomás-Jiménez M, Sánchez-Balcells S, Schröder A, Lundqvist LO, Escuder G and Roldan-Merino J.

    Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Spanish Quality in Psychiatric Care Forensic Inpatient Staff (QPC-FIPS) instrument.

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 12(1): 13302-13302.


  • Traver-Edo D, Escuder G, Miguel-Ángel Talavera-Valverde and Pedro Moruno-Miralles.

    Women in Forensic Mental Health Services: Lived Experiences and Meanings Attributed to Activities in Rehabilitation Programs. Study Protocol



  • Escuder G, Rubio LG, Ochoa S, Miravet MJ, Cáceres AG and Thomas SD.

    Clinical validation of the CANFOR scale (Camberwell Assessment of Need-Forensic version) for the needs assessment of people with mental health problems in the forensic services.

    ACTAS ESPANOLAS DE PSIQUIATRIA . 38(3): 129-137. Nº de citas: 7

  • Escuder G, Gomollon L and Vicens E.

    Delitos violentos y trastorno mental en la Unidad de Hospitalización Psiquiátrica Penitenciaria de Catalunya

    Anal de Psiquiatría . 25(3): 125-132.

  • Ribas M, Escuder G and Vicens E.

    Los límites de la reinserción comunitaria en salud mental desde el ámbito penitenciario

    Informaciones psiquiátricas . 183: 29-38.

  • De los Cobos J, Haro G, Escuder G, Fidel G and Sánchez N.

    Encuesta de satisfacción entre los usuarios dependientes de opiáceos en programas de mantenimiento con metadona en centros de España

    RET: Revista de Toxicomanías . 42: 15-22.

  • Pérez de los Cobos J, Fidel G, Escuder G, Haro G, Sánchez N, Pascual C, Valderrama JC, Valero S and Trujols J.

    A satisfaction survey of opioid-dependent clients at methadone treatment centres in Spain.

    DRUG AND ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE . 73(3): 307-313. Nº de citas: 32
