Buscador de publicaciones


  • Pinto-Meza A, Fernández A, Fullana MA, Haro JM, Palao D, Luciano JV and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Impact of mental disorders and chronic physical conditions in health-related quality of life among primary care patients: results from an epidemiological study.

    QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH . 18(8): 1011-1018. Nº de citas: 18


  • García-Campayo J, Serrano-Blanco A, Rodero B, Magallón R, Alda M, Andrés E, Luciano JV and del Hoyo YL.

    Effectiveness of the psychological and pharmacological treatment of catastrophization in patients with fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial

    Trials . 10: 24-24. Nº de citas: 19


  • Luciano JV, Fernández Sánchez A, Serrano-Blanco A, Pinto-Meza A, Palao Vidal DJ, Mercader Menéndez M and Haro JM.

    Cooperación entre atención primaria y servicios de salud mental.

    ATENCION PRIMARIA . 41(3): 131-140. Nº de citas: 12


  • Luciano JV and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Los hiperfrecuentadores en atencin primaria: perfil sociodemogrfico, caractersticas clnicas y propuesta de una nueva definicin.

    ATENCION PRIMARIA . 40(12): 631-632.

  • Fernández-Vergel R, Peñarrubia-María MT, Luciano JV, Blanco, Maria E., Jimenez, Monica, Montesano, Adrian, Verduras, Camino, Ruiz, Jose M. and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Effectiveness of a psycho-educational program for improving quality of life of fibromyalgia patients



  • Luciano JV.

    !No pensis en un ós blanc! Els efectes perjudicials del control del pensament i les emocions

    Revista del Col.legi Oficial de Psicòlegs de Catalunya . : 33-34.

  • Luciano JV and Algarabel S.

    Individual differences in self-reported thought control: the role of the repressive coping sytle.

    Psicothema . 18(2): 228-231. Nº de citas: 8

  • García-Campayo J, Barceló-Soler A, Martínez-Rubio D, Navarrete J, Pérez A, Feliu A, Luciano JV, Baer R, Kuyken W and Montero J.

    Exploring the Relationship Between Self-Compassion and Compassion for Others: The Role of Psychological Distress and Wellbeing.

    ASSESSMENT . : .


  • Sanabria JP, Colomer A, Gandara-Urrutia N, Pérez-Sutil JM, Noboa-Rocamora G, Fernández-Vázquez Ó, Val-Mariano G, Fontana-McNally M, Cardona-Ros G, Feliu A, McCracken LM, Edo S, Sanz A and Luciano JV.

    Experiences of patients with chronic low back pain plus comorbid depressive symptoms in a videoconference group acceptance and commitment therapy or behavioral activation treatment for depression: a qualitative study.



  • Sanabria JP, Francesco D'Amico, Cardeñosa E, Ferrer-Forés M, Edo S, Borràs X, McCracken LM, Feliu A, Sanz A and Luciano JV.

    Economic evaluation of videoconference group Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Behavioral Activation Therapy for Depression versus usual care among adults with chronic low back pain plus comorbid depressive symptoms.

