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IV Jornada Científica del IRSJD

During the Conference, intramural and external collaboration projects will be presented, as well as the three Catalan innovation networks led by members of the Institute and some of the thesis being developed within the framework of the IRSJD.

Auditori del PCCB · Hospital Sant Joan de Déu


#NeuroConCiencia| Biophysical modelling of non-invasive neuroscience

Speakers: Marc Schwartz Pallejà, PhD Student



Total 197 results found.

  1. #NeuroConCiencia| EBrains, an European initiative for Brain-related research

    Speakers: Luisa Martínez, Christian Stephan-Otto, Enrico Castroflorio i Àngels García-Cazorla.



  2. i4KIDS | Training Capsule: First-hand experiences of innovative pediatric start-ups

    We will delve into the real-life experiences of two European pediatric start-ups, exploring the barriers and opportunities encountered on their entrepreneurial journeys. With Gate2Brain and Tully.



  3. Defensa tesi doctoral: Núria del Cacho

    "Nivells de prolactina i funcionament sexual en persones que pateixen un primer episodi psicòtic no afectiu i que no han rebut tractament antipsicòtic previ."

    Aula 14, Dolors Aleu i Riera, Facultat de Medicina - Campus Clínic


  4. TECSAM | Breakfast & Learn: Finançament per mitjà de crowdfunding i matchfunding: models, fases i estratègia per a projectes de salut

    Speaker: Mauricio O'Brien, Communication, Design and Fundraising/crowdfunding in Nanoma​.



  5. Defensa tesi doctoral: Sonia Arenillas-Alcón

    "Neural encoding of speech in newborns: voice pitch, formant structure and the effects of prenatal acoustic environment"

    Sala Miquel Siguan de la Facultat de Psicologia de la Universitat de Barcelona (Campus Mundet)


  6. Share4Rare | Webinar · Evaluación de la atención psicológica para pacientes con enfermedades raras en España

    Webinar open to everyone who wants to know all the details of the Share4Rare and FEDER study or to solve your doubts.



  7. Defensa tesi doctoral: Clara Xiol Viñas

    "Comprehensive analysis of diagnostic approaches and molecular landscape of Rett syndrome spectrum disorders"

    Aula de Graus, Edifici Durfort, Facultat de Biologia (UB) · Online


  8. Defensa tesi doctoral: Elena Esperanza Cebollada

    "Estudi de nous biomarcadors en pacients amb leucèmia pediàtrica d'alt risc"

    Auditori Plaza, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu · Online


  9. TECSAM | Breakfast & Learn: 10 tips to encourage the participation of affected people in research projects

    Speaker: Begonya Nafria, coordinator of Patient Participation in Research at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu · IRSJD.

