Pfizer/Lilly - Closing Knowledge Gaps in Osteoarthritis and Osteoarthritis Pain

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
Pifzer / Lilly Foundation
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:
$50.000 - $200.000

Call objectives

The aim of the Requests for Proposals is to support virtual and potentially live programmes and other innovative digital medical education for HCPs. The focus is on Osteoarthritis and Chronic Pain associated with OA and patient-centered standard of care and management including pain and function, the biopsychosocial aspects of the disease, the complexities and challenges of care, and the future of OA/OA pain management. Programmes targeted towards reviewing data at virtual or live osteoarthritis, rheumatology, pain, primary care, or other associated medical conferences, including but not limited to OARSI, EULAR, PAINWeek, AAFP, WCO, and ACR are of particular interest, as well as other meaningful education outside of congresses.

Call options

Projects that will be considered for Pfizer and Lilly support will focus on education including, but not limited to:

  • The impact and importance of Osteoarthritis (OA) and its disease burden and the unmet medical need in OA pain management.
  • Current standard of care for OA/OA pain, guidelines for treatment, and the challenges of management.
  • The Biopsychosocial model of pain in OA and individualized patient experience:
    • Biopsychosocial and comprehensive approach to care and complex multifactorial nature of disease through bio, psycho, and social domains.
    • Setting functional goals and tools for individual pain and function assessment, goal setting, monitoring and tailored pain management for individualized patient experience (heterogeneity of disease and different patient trajectories and disease progression).
    • Physical and mind-body care.
  • Patient focus:
  • The impacts of COVID-19 on patients with osteoarthritis associated chronic pain.
  • Health disparities in OA/pain + COVID-19's effect on the gap.
  • Optimizing care in remote environment · Shared decision making.
  • Comorbidities associated with chronic pain in OA (psychological disorders, cardiovascular disease etc.).
  • Understand decision points, patients' motivations, key factors/drivers and disease state around knee/hip surgery due to OA.
  • Roles of the multidisciplinary team.
  • Challenges with Osteoarthritis trials, including placebo effect and extrapolation of outcome measures to clinical practice.
  • The evolution of the primary provider of Osteoarthritis - who owns OA management?
  • Trends in OA management, the future of OA management and emerging research.
  • Are there best practices from other disease states -that can be extrapolated to OA?


The total available budget related to this RFP is approximately $1 million.

The typical grant maximum under this RFP will be up to $200,000. However, larger proposals may be considered for funding if they include a broad geographical scope and multiple activities.

Smaller educational proposals are also encouraged. Organisations that would like to develop activities with a more specific focus and for a more limited regional or local group of healthcare providers should also apply. Typically grant amounts for local or regional activities should not exceed $50,000.



Eligible applicants are medical, nursing, allied health, and/or pharmacy professional schools, healthcare institutions (both large and small), professional associations and medical societies, medical education companies, and other entities with a mission related to healthcare professional education and/or healthcare improvement. For projects offering continuing education credit, the requesting organisation must be accredited.

If the project involves multiple departments within an institution and/or between different institutions/organisations/associations, all institutions must have a relevant role and the requesting organisation must have a key role in the project.



Applications may be submitted through the online application system. This RFP will remain open while funds last. Once the full budget is spent the RFP will be closed and new requests will no longer be accepted.

  • Application deadline: August 20th 2021.

In case of interest, please contact lnorton(ELIMINAR)